ISS Amateur Radio Status: April 5, 2009 By Miles Mann WF1F,
Slow Scan TV Status, only 2 days left
MAREX-MG News www.marexmg.org Manned Amateur Radio Experiment
Hello all: I just talked to Charles on ISS (April 5, 2009, 17:59 UTC). He said he would be coming home Wednesday April 8th. This leaves you with 2 more days of voice and SSTV contacts. The radio station will be turned OFF on Wednesday for the undocking.
Keep you SSTV systems running in Automatic receive mode and save those pictures.
Charles has said that he is short on batteries so he is only sending images manually when he has time.
Current Image list (from October and November 2009) I moved the Marex list to a new server, hope you enjoy the images. http://www.marexmg.org/fileshtml/issimages.html
Miles Mann WF1F Marexmg.org
Slow Scan TV Links and Free SSTV software links. http://www.marexmg.org/fileshtml/sstvlinkpage.html
The standard downlink of 145.800 will be used for voice contacts, school contacts and SSTV transmissions. Anyone with a FM receiver capable of monitoring the 145.800 MHz downlink can receive audio and SSTV images. The standard voice uplink frequencies of 145.200 for ITU Region 1 (Europe, Africa and Russia) and 144.490 for ITU regions 2 & 3 (N. America, S. America, Southern Asia, Australia) will be used.
Additional info on SSTV operations is available at: http://www.marexmg.org/fileshtml/howtouseiss.html
MarexMg Web page http://www.marexmg.org
73 Miles WF1F MAREX-MG
Until we meet again