On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
The fact you don't want to hear someone else opinion is just another proof that the general idea behind a post make's you feel bad (And i understand this completely human) Just look at the pictures on the link below and JUST give me one sound answer why AMSAT-NA and all the worldwide satellite users should endorse "the military". For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway. If some cannot clean their own rank's they should take the liability of their pairs. It is what's we called assuming your own actions.
I ask also the same towards K7ZT Joe Westbrook, MSgt., USAF Retired. He wrote "Just a reminder, if it wasn't for the United States Military, there wouldn't be a Satellite" He was answered back on his other untrue statement by Margaret Leber "But it's entirely untrue that Canada doesn't support space exploration" even if she also seems to questioned this BB is "unmoderated" i can ask her too if the pictures and actions depicted below where also made by lunatics? Is this whole army is a bunch of "lunatics" I understand private are trained to obey orders by a subtile brain washing system could be the fact to lived in a context where your commander in chief "LIE" to the world about mass destruction arms can have some influence on judgement to a point to endorse the actions reported on the link below. Another explanation is if you commit in your career acts much worse than the one depicted below you are now immunized to human's right globally and you tend to associate rather than dissociate with those acts.
Mr former MSgt did i understand you are endorsing the acts depicted below and you want us that " we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA"?
Please clarify yourself but don't tell us lies... we used to be accustomed to your commander in chief and followers trend.Try to be honest at least once for this one.
Here is the link, look at it and try to convince the rest of the world that AMSAT-NA and the amateur radio international community should endorse this statement from Andrew Glasbrenner, KO4MA "please be patient as we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA.
The link:
What i refer to in my statement below is exactly this "suffer the consequences of you acts even if at the base root actions where legitimate, the end results is often disastrous.
"Just an historical note. There was a bunch of rocket scientist in Peenemünde who from 1936 to 1943 where making also scientific rocket search and test and you probably know also their final product! the V-1 and V-2 rocket."
If you believe this text is "To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2" It's your own interpretation ans i respect it!
As many private post received, this one give all the magnitude of the general climate down the border
"Finally, if freedom of expression is not valid here, please let me know.
Gary Memory, N7BRJ"
Can we conclude now the words is "hypocrisy" and "lies" is driving the actions of a whole country?
Another last question here. In the promotion of the DEMOCRACY since the last 30 years where forces has been used to implement it. How many of theses really resulted in a real free one today?
The answer will help you understand why AMSAT-NA and the international community should not endorse direct cooperation with any military forces and an amateur satellite funded by HAM'S international donations should not be used to help military forces with any amateur radio IARU designated satellie as AO-51 or any other amateur radio satellite.
I know some are willing to prostitute for money does not mean this BB is available to all for whatever lunatic propaganda suits them some are saying. I called this an excuse to prostitution and as i wrote in the past "Stupidity has no sex" {uprorious laughter ensues}
Own words making more sense in other context...
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE