my "project" along your lines came from the third edition of the ARRL VHF handbook...page 102 it is an 829B amp for 144mhz. I've built a couple of them over the years...and they all played pretty easy just following the instructions in the article. There are some other "'easy amps" the 6360 was a little hard to make play (it was my first OSCAR amp) but a good learning experience. I can (it will take a few days) scan some of this in and ship it to you if you would find that helpful. Power supplies are a little tricky. Fair has some transformers but they are "ouch"...I prowl garage sales and find OLD really old tv's that have tubes in them and are toast. the transformer is usually "OK".
The other day I had the Drake ML-2 and the 829 up (with a 40673 preamp) up as the space station roared over...it was kind of fun with the kids to have a back and forth with it as it flew over all with gear that is a few decades old...
anyway let me know if the copies would help Robert WB5MZO
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 15:56:29 +0000 Subject: [amsat-bb] Winter Project
I'm looking for a winter project can any one point me in the direction of a 2 meter tube amp nothing crazy about 25-50 out, 1-10 in. I have never used or played with a tube circuit so i thougt winter why not. Thanks 73
Thank You Douglas Anoman KC9MLN [email protected] Amsat #37043
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