I have VP5/W6XK on 6/16/2001 and N2COP/MM on 3/11/2002 both from FL41 and both confirmed with QSL card on satellite.
Have fun on your trip.
On 9/28/2016 10:03 PM, Jay Garlitz wrote:
Gearing up for a VP5 visit and operation Oct. 16 - Nov. 2. Will be part of VP5DX CQWW SSB team but still have time for portable SAT operations. I worked 9 stations in a practice run from the University of Florida campus a few weeks ago. I should be able to operate SATs from Oct. 19-28. Equipment will be a FT-817 and arrow II. Will also have a TH-D7A as a backup for the FM birds. Practice runs were on AO-73 and FO-29 using the FT-817.
I will have another practice day on Sunday Oct. 9th. Please mark your calendar and work me that day from EL-89tp. My signal will be readable but not strong, which I am sure you will not mind when I am the DX station you are chasing. I will use that day as a teaching experience for the Gator Amateur Radio Club student members. You can see photos from our last event on their Facebook page. Feel free to friend me as well.
I have been told it has been ten years since there has been a SAT operation from VP5. My operation will not be from Provo (FL31) but from Middle Caicos (FL41cu). Check out the QTH on the VP5DX QRZ page. Do any AMSAT members have FL41 in their log?
Looking forward to working you from FL41cu.
73, Jay AA4FL _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb