----- Original Message ----- From: "andy thomas" [email protected] To: "amsat" [email protected] Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 3:41 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Fw: VO52 and QRP FM
I have expanded capabilities. I have an ICOM IC910 with the L band added module and last operated on vo-52 in usb, and I am fluent in cw too...but it's difficult to carry this kit by hand (hi!) so I do qrp with an Arrow as well, from all over Europe.
And I haven't been able to get into SO-50 for some time on below 5W. AO27 only kicks in for half the pass here.
73 de andy g0sfj
Hi Andy, G0SFJ
It's impossible to access VO-52 in FM with a 5 watt HT and arrow antennas because for a decent QSO on CW and SSB you need at least 50 watt and a 13 dBi 70 cm antenna.
Do not try to access VO-52 in FM with your IC910
We, operators of VO-52 linear transponder on CW and SSB in Europe we have a lot of counter measures against any FM intruder into the VO-52 linear passband.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico