I would like to propose a compromise on the L/V mode day. I understand that the week days have fewer stations for L Band folks to work. The reality is that many folks have to work during the week and that means they will probably not have the ability to get on.
The problem with making it from Saturday evening to Sunday evening local time is that it cuts off a whole segment of people who might only get to use U/V but on these weekend passes. Yes I know, there are plenty of U/V passes for the average Joe to use I am concerned that newer ops, might not understand and think that the hobby was only for the privileged few.
My compromise suggestion would be a Sunday evening to Monday schedule. Turn it on first pass on Sunday Evening (Monday UTC) and letting the 24 hour timer go from there. It is still a weekend for many and I bet the activity level on those two local Sunday evening passes would go up from the week day version of L/V but still offer more opportunities for the U/V only operators/rovers to get their fun in.
Just a thought.
Tom Schuessler, N5HYP EM12ms