Hello All,In a previos posting W8GUS mentioned he could not findDelfi-C3 in celestrak keps.That is correct I also could not find it after update.In the beginning (after DelfiC3 launch) I took the keps from the Delfi-C3 websiteand putted in an text file, and loaded manualy in my trackings software butThese where not accurate anymore.Earlier this evening I have spoken PE4WJ (DelfiC3 team) and he sended mefresh keps which was accurate (i checked AOS and previous pass.Put these two lines in a word txt file:Delfi-C31 32787U 08021E 08121.22875607 .00000324 00000-0 48264-4 0 1312 32787 97.9932 181.2525 0014422 294.5581 65.4118 14.81396579 300 Loading manualy in Nova:Go to the Nova menu: Kep. Elements---->Disk file update--->Manual update fromfile----> Press on the big UPDATE button (with satellite image!).Now scroll to the .txt file.Find Delfi-C3 in nova:Go to the Nova menu: Configure current view---> Satellites.See the little window left (below).Click on Artificial satellites.Now search Delfi-C3 on the left window (up).Drag Delfi-C3 to the right window and press on the OK button.Tip!!!! print this mail on a paper!73's Cor PD0RKCHam Radio In Space: http://iss.ontwikkel.nl