No new Chinese amateur satellites have been launched.
There are plans to launch CAS 5A, CAS 5B, CAS 7A and CAS 7C on a Long March 11 rocket 'soon'. As there was a launch of such a rocket on September 15 rumors appeared that maybe these CASs could be on this launch. But it appeared that nine Jilin Earth imaging satellites were launched instead.
There is no new information available on a possible launch date for the CASs, not even rumors.
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 19-09-2020 23:45, Hasan N0AN via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Hi Christy Can anyone confirm that the SATs were successfully launched? ...and is there any updated info? 73, N0AN Hasan
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 11:57 AM christy hunter via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
satellites listed for that date show a series(9) OF SATS named JILN-01 GAOFEN X,
launched from China.
73 Christy KB6LTY
Did the Chinese launch their HF amateur radio satellite yesterday, September 15th, as scheduled? Thanks. 73 Jim Barbre KB7YSY