Just got this from the VDB alert service I subscribe to Rick Tejera [email protected]
-------- Original message -------- From: Launch Alert [email protected] Date: 10/06/2015 12:32 (GMT-07:00) To: [email protected] Subject: [Launch Alert] Thursday Launch
The launch time for Thursday morning's Atlas V launch from Vandenberg AFB is 05:49 PDT. Following liftoff, the Atlas will rise vertically for several seconds and then probably begin a gradual turn towards the south.
The announced launch time is several minutes before the start of morning twilight at Vandenberg. If the rocket makes a gradual climb into orbit, the powered phase of the launch will probably end before the Atlas climbs into sunlight. In this case, the Atlas will resemble a moving orange or white light.
However, if the rocket makes a steep climb into orbit, the Atlas initially will resemble a moving orange or white light. The rocket may then climb high enough during the powered phase of the launch for the exhaust plume to catch the Sun's rays, creating a weak Twilight Effect.
Regardless of the angle of the rocket's climb, the event could be visible to the naked eye for a few hundred miles.
The probability of acceptable weather at launch time is 70%.
Webcasts of the launch should be available from the following web sites:
Because of my schedule, I will not be able to answer questions regarding this launch. For information about viewing Vandenberg AFB launches, go to:
For information about photographing Vandenberg launches, go to:
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