K7VNE reported to me this morning that he had been on XW-2D (long since non-operational) and sigs were very good, but no one else was on.
Signals were of good quality, no FM'ing of my SSB signal.
I just checked it and had a pass of Max EL 2 deg to my East. It is there, it is loud. *The CW beacon is raspy*.
The passband was normal level and my signal was typical:
Max Sig: -64 dBm Noise Floor: -81 dBM
I made an mp4 recording of the pass, with me calling CQ and announcing Elevation and signal levels.
Download this mp4 file and play it back on any device (even a phone) and you will see and hear what I did.
I have seen no announcement about not using the satellite, but will watch for same. 73, N0AN Hasan