Looks like we have all been wrong about this. Yesterday, just after midnight Moscow time, I found this on the Roscosmos site:
Russian Educational Satellite Works 16.04.2011
Russia's Kedr minisatellite designed by students from Kursk and carried to the ISS under UNESCO's program in January has went on air. Its first broadcast was carried out on April 11-13 to mark the 50 years of the first manned space flight. The 30-kg Kedr will transmit 25 greetings in 15 different languages, photos of the Earth, telemetry and scientific data.
Hats off to the satellite designers at Kursk U.
More seriously, aside from the "embellishments" concerning Kursk, which in fact only did their experiment package, it looks as if someone had a timed release news article which they forgot to cancel.