It would be more significant if the antenna was described. I suspect if one used a 1000-foot dish it would be quite easy to do! The article mentions his working Gary in Ohio. That most likely is KB8RQ which runs a very large array of 2m yagis (I believe 32 of them). That helps a lot!
I have over 115 eme contacts on 2m running only 125w to four yagis. So if this ham is running a single yagi and 25w that IS a big achievement. But no mention of what antenna system is being used?
73 Ed - KL7UW
At 12:14 AM 1/28/2008, Trevor wrote:
The story in the UK Scarborough Evening News about Angus Young M0IKB achieving Moonbounce with just 25 watts is a good illustration of the huge advances Amateurs have made in Moonbounce techniques over recent years. Not long ago it would have taken over 400 watts to achieve it.
Why Angus is over the Moon - Scarborough Today (with picture of Angus)
Ham makes EME contact with just 25 watts
The call book entry for Angus Young M0IKB can be seen at
73 Trevor M5AKA
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73, Ed - KL7UW ====================================== BP40IQ 50-MHz - 10-GHz 144-EME: FT-847, mgf-1801, 4x-xpol-20, 185w DUBUS Magazine USA Rep [email protected] ======================================