Having had the ISS tracking problem, I can pass on what I’ve learned from others… The ISS maneuvers from time to time to keep its orbit intact and/or to avoid space junk. So its keps change more frequently and more significantly than other birds. Using a source for keps that’s updated very frequently will help you track it better. At the suggestion of others, I shifted to using nasabare.txt on SatPC32, but there may be other sources that are equally as good if not better. I tracked ISS today for the SSTV event and had no problems. 73,RayKN2K
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On Tuesday, December 28, 2021, 4:40 PM, [email protected] wrote:
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Dear Group:
I’ve noticed that the live tracking of the ISS is located differently on different websites and Ham Radio Deluxe.
I fired up SATPC32 and it seems correct with the ESA Webpage.
Live tracking on the AMSAT Webpage page is following my HRD which seems 3 or 4 minutes behind the ESA Webpage.
I have updated all my keps which align with the AMSAT live tracking location.
This morning while trying to download SSTV from ISS I was unable to track it properly.
I had a huge signal before it even reached the horizon.
Any suggestions or remedy.
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