Attempting to operate 9600 baud GMSK (i.e., MO-112). The following is my set-up:
ICOM IC-9100 Radio Kantronics 9612XE TNC SatPC32 for radio/rotor control Packet Engine Pro UISS
I am able to receive 9600 GMSK fine from MO-112. However, if I attempt to transmit via UISS, the radio does not transmit. Monitoring Packet Engine Pro indicates that Port 2 did receive a command to transmit.
The radio DATA2 port is connected to Port 2 of the TNC as per the ICOM manual (page 171).
I did find a "TNC Tutorial" developed by ASU (see: https://phxcubesat.asu.edu/sites/default/files/general/tnc_tutorial_20180308...). However on page 28 of the slide deck, it shows the TX audio (Data In) coming from the TNC Port 1 (i.e., 1200 baud). This seems odd. I did not following it. I did connected the DATA2 Data In to the TNC Port 2 pin 3.
Would anyone be using an IC-9100 and Kantronics 9612XE TNC for 9600 baud operation who could provide some insight?
Thank-you and 73,