Do a google search for MIL-HDBK-419. This should answer all you questions.
Is the copper strap solid or braided? Braided is no good for a lightning ground. Lightning prefers the least inductive, closest path to ground. Braid is inductive to lightning due to the way it is made. Lightning is NOT a DC event. It is a HF AC event.
Cad weld the grounds to the rods and the ground window, eliminate any doubt as to how good the connection is.
Is this ground window bonded to the service entrance ground? Is it bonded to the tower ground?
If not it should be. You need to keep the ground potential of all three places the same. If lightning hits the power line and the grounds are not bonded together, the antenna ground will not be at the same potential as the power ground and current will flow. How much depends on the magnitude to the discharge. Will the equipment survive, depends on the magnitude of the discharge.
Nothing will survive a direct hit.
In a former job, I had to evaluate remote sites that had lightning damage. If the site owner followed my suggestions, lightning damage was minimal. If not, they continued to have damaged equipment due to differences in grounds.
73 Glenn WB4UIV
At 02:59 PM 11/24/07, Tyler Harpster wrote:
I am going to install a large brass plate at the cable entrance to my shack. I have a large ground rod outside the entrance where everything is going to be grounded. I'm planning on using a large piece of copper strap to connect the plate to the rod.
Is there any substance I can use to clean/prep the copper and the brass? Is there a material to use between the two metals to keep them from oxidizing and keep the bond in good condition?
Tyler KM3G
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