Hi Guys,
I have been playing around with my Garman NUVI GPS and comparing the readings to Google Maps. This is something you call try at home. My Garman says that the base of my HF tower is at 41.07430 N 112.03774 W. When I punch in those coordinates in to Google Maps in the satelite view mode the arrow points to a location about 30 feet away near the middle of the lawn east of my driveway. When I play around with the coordinates a little through interpolation and punch them in to Google Maps several times I arrive at what appears to be the true coordinates of the base of my HF tower at 41.074329 N 112.037770 W. I suppose that is the significant difference that sixth decimal place makes. Check both of these coordinates on Google Maps to see what I mean. Any comments?
WA7HQD Lee Ernstrom Syracuse, Utah DN31xb