14 Mar
14 Mar
8:11 p.m.
Hi All,
Chris VK6FCBG and myself did complete a one way double hop contact yesterday, 0945z 14 Mar 2015. AO-07 and FO-29 were visible at the same time in Perth Western Australia for about 10 minutes. I transmitted CW on 432.150MHz to AO-07 and Chris heard me on FO-29's downlink of 435.850. Satellite to satellite link was on 145.950MHz. Next is to complete a two-way voice contact.
Cheers, Rick VK6XLR
On 13/03/2015 02:57, :
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2015 12:05:51 +0100 From:[email protected] To:[email protected] Subject: Re: AO-7
Kerry, ......... I heard/read about such double hops from prior I think FM-SATs. And actually was joking with some other guy years ago to try some dxing with VO-52 and FO-29 I think. As their up&downlink could actually match. A pitty VO-52 is gone... I was calling on AO-7 on 145.954 (local), thus maybe 956 at AO-7 directly... this could give .844 on FO-29 as they have almost constant distant I assume there is not much Doppler. At 10:38 FO-29 was pretty close to your EN91 station, if you used that one, the Doppler was likely minimal too... Sooo I'd assume you've heard me around .845 or so.