HI Mark!
I will activate grid DM19 (smack in the middle of NV) on August 17th during the 2130Z AO27 pass (approximate). (It must be a rare grid because even WD9EWK says he needs the grid!) There is a ghost town out there that I will visit on my way to AZ. I'll be on my HT and an ARROW. If you need a QSL for the contact, just send me an e-mail, I'll confirm with the log and send you a card. No need for SASE or return card.
Thanks for the quick QSO from DM19 on that pass! Yes, that was one of many in Nevada I needed. I sent you an e-mail a few minutes ago with the specifics for our QSO.
I had intended on taking a late lunch to make that pass, and - unfortunately - work ensured I would not get a lunch break any earlier. I made it to a park near my office and was able to set up my antenna just as the AO-27 repeater switched on. It took a few calls before I heard you say you got me, but you did. I hope you were able to make many satellite operators happy with a new grid for the logbooks.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/