Hi, Everyone --
Can?anyone who owns and uses an Icom 821H on satellites summarize for me how to put it into Sat mode and operate it in Sat mode?? I've had mine for several months, but have yet to use it for anything but listening to the odd pass of AO-7 or VO-52.? Maybe it's me, but I find the manual almost incomprehensible.? Other brands' documentation doesn't make me scratch my head like Icom's manuals, and the 821H isn't the only piece of gear of theirs I own, so I don't think that I'm just being dense.
I also picked up a serial adapter on eBay for the CI-V I/O port on my rig with the idea of using my laptop to make Satscape 2.-something run my Doppler, but the manual is also too cryptic about this for me to figure it out.? Do I run the risk of damaging anything in either the laptop or the rig by just trial and error to figure it all out?
Thanks very much!
Perplexed, and 73, Ray KA8SYX Jacksonville, FL EM90ee ________________________________________________________________________ More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com