...if you listen to 145.85 and hear something... ... from that point, some knowledgeable and experienced sleuths may be required to help...
Stump on.
And that is where we need to educate all VHF'ers, and that is that we don't need DF equip, we don't need beams, and we don't need experts. Anyone with a mobile radio and/or an HT with stock omni antenna, and a little spare time for some fun driving, can find a transmtter ... the closer you get to a transmitter the stronger it is.
See http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/dfing.html Scan quickly down the page about 2/3rds to the most recent Balloon recovery and you can see how easy it is..
The web page says "APRS Dfing" but ignore the APRS part. You don't need APRS and you don't need a PC. Just drive while watching the AVERAGE VALUE of the S meter... And visualizing what's going on. There are two easy techniques for "DFing" using signal strength alone.
INDIVIDUAL: Average Signal Strength is a very significant indicator that can be used to home in on a signal. Combined with local terrain knowledge, a little driving and chris-crossing can quickly give knowledge of the signal profile and allow the driver to just keep narrowing down on the signal and with enough time, arrive at the door.
Just remember the Smeter average value where you first start hearing the signal and then drive straight watching this indication improve and then fade back to this level. These two points are more or less equidistant from the source. Now drive back to the middle where now you know it was strongest, and make a 90 degree turn. See the new Smeter average. Again, drive straight through the peak to the same reading on the other side. Again, go back to the center of that leg. See the new Smeter average. Turn another 90 degrees. Repeat. Eventually you arrive at the door of the signal.
GROUP: Spot signal strength reported by a large number of ham mobiles or fixed stations can instantaneously narrow down the search to a neighborhood. The BIGGEST mistake made here is the fact that most people collecting reports tend to -ignore- the null reports of nothing-heard. When in fact, that is often where the most useful initial data is! There are usually far more reports of nothing-heard than heard. And it is that large amount of data that shows where the signal -ISN'T- that is the biggest contributor to knowing where not to search! Focus then on more reports from other areas not reporting -nothing-heard. This should only take a call up on the local voice repeater asking for people to listen for the signal and make spot reports.
Once an area is found with reports of -HEARD- then go drive, and use the individual technique of signal strength and drive right to the door. Its fun, anyone can do it... If you have enough gas.
These techniques are built into APRS, but that is only for easy visuilization of location on the map as the solution develops. (And everyone watching can see it in real time...) But this hardware and APRS and maps are absolutely not needed. Just drive and watch the Smeter.
When you get to MAX signal and the mobile Smeter is max'ed, then you need your HT sitting on the seat with its ruber duck becomes the benchmark. Once it is full quieting, you can usually remove its antenna and stick in shorter and shorter paper clip as you get closer and closer. Eventually the HT will hear the signal with no antenna. Now it is time to get out of the car and walk. Holding the HT on your chest. You have a NULL out your back. Use it to get walking directions and by now you are within yards of the source.