I was getting ready to take my rotor down and dissemble, but decided to give it another test through the cable. I found that it started working. Upon further examination I found that both the Azimuth and the Elevation cables were somehow severely stretched and were both intermittent at that one spot in the both cables. I ended up cutting a 3 foot section out of each rotor cable and splicing back together. I have no idea how this just manifested itself. I did have some major construction projects going on, new house built, old house demolished, 25 by 50 by 20 foot septic system hole dug. All this within 5 foot of my satellite array ! But after all of this it hooked up plug and play to the new house. Very strange, that the cable problem just showed up, almost a year later. But all is once again good in kb2m satellite operations again. I should be back on the air this evening :-) Thanks to all the good debugging suggestions, I have filed them away, also Drew thanks for the tip on the motor compatibility with the 5500 and 450. I was going to sell the 450 rotor, but will now keep for a spare..
73 Jeff kb2m