If you have Windows available, Orbitron has a nice display of doppler-corrected frequencies.
Here is a screen shot just as an example:
... Orbitron is available from:
-Scott, K4KDR
On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 4:57 PM, Koos van den Hout [email protected] wrote:
On 08/19/2018 10:42 PM, Ron VE8RT wrote:
First, I need to get the actual Doppler shift info up on a screen as I must enter is manually. Using the Doppler per 100MHz shown on GPredict which a calculator to set the radio works but is far from practical. I'd like to bring up actual Uplink, Downlink Doppler on the screen, but it hasn't been evident how to do that.
GPredict will show these values in the 'radio control' window. Even when there is no radio to control.
Clicking on the little triangle on the top right of the main window will show options like 'radio control' if you had not found that already.
Koos van den Hout PE4KH
-- Koos van den Hout PGP keyid 0x5BA9368BE6F334E4 via keyservers https://idefix.net/