On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Dave Webb KB1PVH [email protected] wrote:
There was a big discussion about this a couple weeks ago, maybe search the BB archives.
Unfortunately, there was no consensus. Factions were evenly split between "we must do exactly as we did 30-40 years ago", "who cares, do whatever you want", and "can we not bring some order to this science and engineering hobby?"
Personally, I'm in favor of the "new scheme" that AMSAT came up with, I believe for AO-40, with a letter for each band in the form of Z/y, where Z is the uplink and y is the downlink. The laminated sheets sold by AMSAT at Dayton and other places uses this consistently. Unfortunately, adherence to the 10+ year old "new" way of denoting modes is only supported half-heartedly by AMSAT itself.