Hello folks.
I'm totally new to sat operation and VHF/UHF operating (kind of bored with HF). Since I already had a very nice HF and 6 meter rig, after a bit of research on the candidate rigs in my price range (the IC-9100 would have been nice except for the $$) I recently purchased an ICOM IC-910H. The used market for the IC-910H rigs is not exactly cheap at that. The Unit is a very late model in new condition which is why I made a quick decision and hit 'buy'.
It is a 'stock' unit with no optional modules; no DSP, no narrow cw filters, no 1.2 GHz module. There doesn't look to be much satellite activity at 1.2 GHz but I'm questioning my purchase now due to the lack of options and my lack of experience.
So is the stock unit going to be a problem in working the sats (i'm interested in working FM, SSB, and CW ... perhaps later digital)?
Thanks for any advice? chuck AF4XK