7 May
7 May
9:03 p.m.
Looks like a standard 8 turn, axial mode, helix to me. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helical_antenna#Axial-mode_helical
Looks like about 8 dBi gain.
Looks like a good candidate as a functional lawn ornament that is not I would like to author a construction and theory article...
. Thats an awful lot of hardware just for 8 dBi gain! You can get that with a 4 element yagii.
I dont think the helix makes any sense for ham bands because the main advantage of the helix is broadband, meaning one design can operate with low SWR over about 20% or say from 130 to 160 Mhz. A yagii can always do much better four our narrow bands.
my opinion anyway...
bob WB4APR