Hello to all amsat member
Thailand's national society RAST reports HS18IARU is now active on all bands to promote the upcoming IARU Region 3 conference.
A special callsign, HS18IARU, issued by Thailand's National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to promote the upcoming 18th IARU Region 3 Conference that will be hosted online by RAST in September, is now active on all amateur radio bands.The callsign will remain active until September 30, 2021.
HS18IARU is a special event callsign for the 18th IARU Region 3 Conference being held in Bangkok between September 20-23, 2021. There is a lot of excitement surrounding the opportunity to be holding this innovative virtual conference for the first time. RAST team operate out for HS18IARU. We will be active on Es'hail 2 / QO-100 satellite between September 15-30, 2021 on CW and SSB.
A special callsign, HS4ØØOZ, issued by Thailand's National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to promote the the 400th anniversary of trade relationship between DENMARK & THAILAND.
HS4ØØOZ is the two special event callsigns to celebrate the 400th anniversary of trade relationship between DENMARK OZ4ØØHS & THAILAND HS4ØØOZ hosted by Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører (EDR) and Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King (RAST), together with The Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce (DTCC) and Embassy of Denmark. RAST team operate out for HS400OZ. We will be active on Es'hail 2 / QO-100 satellite between October 1-31, 2021 on CW and SSB.
For operate on SSB of 2 special callsign with split and listening 5 upto 10 kHz receive downlink … example. uplink 2400.15 MHz Downlink 10489650 KHz Receive downlink 10489650 + 5 to 10 KHz Receive between downlink 10489655 - 10489660 KHz
For stations that make contact with HS18IARU and HS4ØØOZ a QSL card can be applied for by sending a stamped addressed envelope to: The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King P.O. Box 2008 Bangkok 10501
Respondents living overseas should include funds to cover return postage for a direct card and QSL cards will be delivered in November 2021.
Vy 73 and GL de The RAST team
report by Tanan Rangseeprom HS1JAN