You wrote on the AMSAT-BB message server ...
"Other then very very easy to use what is the BIG deal about the FM sats? I must be missing something since having a very bad out come when I did (once) to use one. I have got to be missing something."
I am not sure what you are "expecting" from the existing FM satellites.
I am in my mid-50s as far as age goes, and still get excited at the wonderful technology that the FM birds exhibit.
And although I have given my presentation entitled, "How to Work the FM Ham Satellites With Your HT" presentation more than 60 times to various clubs and audiences the past couple of years, I continue to find appreciative audiences for this aspect of this wonderful hobby.
SO ... I do not completely understand "where you're coming from" as you tell us that thius might not be a "big deal" in the ham radio world.
Yes, you and I know that workin' the FM sats is TRULY an example of the "line of sight" theory that we all read about while studying for our ham radio licenses.
But as I make my presentations to clubs all over North America, I continue to find appreciative audiences, as others seem to not realize that with a "mere" Technician" amateur radio so much more than just working stations across the valley or hitting those hilltop repeaters.
SO ... What's the "big deal?" It's something that "mere Technicians" can do in this magnificent hobby - in addition to "normal" voice privileges - and a privilege that is, IMHO, a truly remarkable and exciting aspect of "Amateur Radio."
Clint Bradford, K6LCS http://www.work-sat.com
Clint Bradford [email protected]