After doing a little research I think Eric is more than qualified to know what Amateur Radio is all about and how the Ham Spirit has changed. After working HF for over 20 years he is well aware. He has a very impressive looking Satellite set up and I am sure he could hear his own signal quite well. Of course some of the self proclaimed expert instructors don't think you need any of that fancy gear and continue to encourage the bare minimum in equipment resulting in these Alligators!
A day doesn't pass where someone is out there calling CQ and obviously can't hear thier own signal, or anyone else for that matter. I have sent numerous friendly e-mails with no responses, but again, a majority don't have an e-mail listed on QRZ.
Full duplex should be the only way satellite operations are taught, and not doing it should be considered malicious interference!
73 Craig W1MSG Back to the SSB Birds for me !