Very sorry to hear of the failure. I will be ready for the next pass.
Let's hope for success!
On 5/30/2019 8:42 PM, Hiraku Sakamoto wrote:
Dear Mike,
We, OrigamiSat-1/FO-98 team, are very sorry to inform you that we have just failed to uplink the command to the satellite for the 1st trial:
31.05.2019 FO-98 01:29 01:39 10 59 157 - 351
because of the server error in our ground station.
We will try again for the next window, a half day later.
31.05.2019 FO-98 14:30 14:40 10 59 015 - 188
We deeply appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, Hiraku Sakamoto, Tokyo Tech, JQ1YCZ
On 2019/05/30 20:12, Mike Seguin via AMSAT-BB wrote:
I apologize for the short notice.....
The OrigamiSat-1 Team will remotely activate the 5.84 GHz downlink on FO-98 for four upcoming passes over the Northeastern US. The times listed are based on my QTH here in Vermont at FN34jm.
5.84GHz transmission from OrigamiSat-1 (FO-98) ---------------------------------------------------------- Day Objects AOS (U) LOS Period maxEl AZ ---------------------------------------------------------- 31.05.2019 FO-98 01:29 01:39 10 59 157 - 351 31.05.2019 FO-98 14:30 14:40 10 59 015 - 188 01.06.2019 FO-98 01:10 01:19 09 35 144 - 357 01.06.2019 FO-98 14:11 14:20 09 37 022 - 176
The latest kep data is here:
FO-98 1 43933U 19003B 19150.08119722 .00000607 00000-0 29789-4 0 9993 2 43933 97.2825 208.2757 0018888 149.0302 270.2283 15.21599516 20077
I manually updated my nasa.all file in SatPC32 to use these.
5.8GHz specifications: http://www.origami.titech.ac.jp/archives/722 http://www.origami.titech.ac.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/OP-S1-0117_5R8...
If you have 5.8 GHz receive capability and are in the Eastern US, please consider trying to detect the downlink.
The equipment I am using is the same that I used to successfully detect NIWAKA in 2012 on 5.84 GHz.
DEMI 5.760 GHz transverter with a 2' dish and Directive Systems linear feed (Horizontal). I also have a DEMI preamp inline. The IF I'll be using is a Funcube Dongle Pro+ set for 224 MHz. This equipment is my terrestrial 5.760 GHz system which works quite well out of band at 5.84 GHz.
Please report any success here and you can also use the reception report on their website. The OrigamiSat-1 team is also on Twitter. @OrigamiSat1