What SDR S/W is anyone using with their SDRPlay for sat’s?
Hi Jeff!
I use HDSDR and it works very well for me. I was only in receive mode for a long time learning how to decode various types of satellite telemetry but now I also get on the amateur sats with voice transponders. HDSDR does everything that I need to do with an SDR both for telemetry reception as well as being the downlink "radio" for transponder use. I would imagine the other applications do most if not all of the same things. But, in my case, I just learned how to navigate in HDSDR and preferred it after trying the others.
-Scott, K4KDR
On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 3:18 PM, [email protected] wrote:
I posted this to the 9100 group, and also here, in case anyone might be interested in this. What SDR S/W is anyone using with their SDRPlay for sat’s? I’m trying to learn SDR-Console and the learning curve is very steep. I vaguely remember a few years ago getting it working with some other S/W....
I finished my PAT V install on my 9100 this morning. I decided to do the HF tap also, but not the 23cm. It’s went well, worse part was doing the HF tap, I managed to move the top board out of the way without completely un plugging, then removing the metal shield completely to get to the HF tap point on the BPF board. Everything is working ok, only issue’s are I haven’t figured out yet how to get the levels up to allow a better waterfall display. I’m using SDR-Console. I also have to figure out how to get the display to follow the 9100. Just started using SDR-Console and the learning curve is very steep. What I don’t understand is there is no frequency offset needed to use the various taps, and also the bandwidth on HF is very narrow? Any ideas? Also If anyone want's some pictures of my install I will gladly send them along.
A big thanks to Dave KD2C for making this available...
73 Jeff kb2m