Not for permanent home station use, but I have used the six UHF element Arrow as part of a rover in VHF Contest operation: http://www.kl7uw.com/RoverJune06.jpg On the far side of the crossboom.
Had to mount facing sideways as the 3-element 6m beam was too wide to be street-legal. No rotator (used truck). Also six element 2m and 18 element 900-MHz loop yagi. Made 81 mile contact using 15w on 927.50 FM from local 400-foot hill.
The screw-on elements are subject to coming lose with vibration, so one would need a way to permanently tighten them (lock-tite on threads?).
73, Ed - KL7UW
From: John Geiger [email protected] To: VHF Contesting Reflector [email protected], VHF Reflector [email protected], AMSAT [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Arrow Antennas for terrestrial work
Most of the reviews I have seen for the Arrow Antenna dualband yagis are regarding their use on the satellites, which I think is what they are mainly made for. Has anyone on the list used one of their dualband antennas mounted permanently for terrestrial work as well? They do sell a mounting bracket for permanent mounting to a mast.
Do they seem well made enough to withstand the outside elements for a few years on end? Do they seem to perform as well as other antennas which have approximately the same boom size and number of elements?
73 John W5TD
73, Ed - KL7UW http://www.kl7uw.com Dubus-NA Business mail: [email protected]