Well, Im back. if I'm going to have any radio fun at all, it's going to be with FM LEO's...
In addition to the FM sats, don't forget the APRS downlink on 145.825 from the Space Station (ISS) and sometimes PCSAT. You may not have a TNC, but these days, you can just download APRS software that uses the soundcard.
To see how it all works, look at the LIVE up-to-the-minute downlink captured by APRS ground stations around the world, all feeding the www.ariss.net site. Any packets you send up on 145.825 that get digipeated will show up there.
The site also gives you an idea as to whether the ISS transponder is on or not. Or you can just put your rig on 144.825 and monitor all day to see when the passes are (and if it is working). THe downlink is so strong, you can hear it on an HT with a rubber duck, or your basestation or your mobile omni.... (IF IT IS ON..) sometimes it is off for days or weeks depending on astronaut activity.