This sat should make us (hams) the number one emergency communications provider in the whole country, in case of attack or natural disaster. We will be the "Go To Guys" when normal commo fails. Because we will have a bird in the sky that is always there on call 24-7.
Les W4SCO www.scoincsoftware.com
At 08:40 PM 10/31/2007, you wrote:
I see there being quite a few financial avenues that AMSAT can go with that could fund the next few missions in itself. Since AMSAT-NA is a 501(c)3 non-profit, it's able to take in money and give back whatever the donor wants (tax writeoff's, good PR, etc..). For instance:
- Obviously commercial enterprise might want to contribute if it works
out for them that they can make products that amateurs would want to buy (ie: ICOM/Kenwood/Yaesu not to mention companies like Winegard (makers of portable geosync satellite antennas like the ones you see on RV's), microchip makers (just to promote their product is being used since we're not bound by NDA to non-disclose the build out of phase4lite)).
- Clubs would donate just like they do now if it means for them an
easier way for getting their membership numbers up.
- And since it's going to be very prime for emergency response, local
and state governments would probably chip in since usually they purchase ham gear anyways for their own emergency communications. Being able to use a geosync satellite means less cost for them to relay health/safety/logistic information into areas affected. To them, it's an insurance policy even if they never use it and alot less costs than a commercial link that involves contracts and recurring costs. And other than the occasional test, they probably wouldn't use it thus leaving the bird free, open and *paid* for.
Ultimately, I don't think you'll ever see individual contributor donations like the past. Many that i've talked to kinda felt burnt after the launch failure of p3d. And the time it took for it to launch was way too long for most people to digest. I've had my ticket for 15+ years now and I remember reading about p3d *before* that by quite a few years. Since pico/microsats are cheaper and usually are launched by schools/organizations for education purposes separate of providing service to the ham community, I don't think people will feel a great urgency to even spend their money donating to these groups.
- Don (KL7EET)
Dave Guimont wrote:
This bird will be extremely poular among "today's crowd", and will probably bring out an entirely new crop of amateurs who will enjoy playing, but will avoid helping to pay the costs involved. I think we should either be prepared to endure this without complaint, or have a plan to deal with this opportunity to gain new paying
members of AMSAT.
Enjoyed your comments, Mike....What we need of course, are "paying members", and their membership dues probably helps with only a part of the expenses involved... What we really need are "donating members", and to get them we need something a little more attractive than a satellite that only requires them to go out an buy an HT, and push the mike button!!
I've been a club member in San Diego, North Shores ARC, and have given briefings to all of the other 18 clubs in San Diego at one time or another...When we had HEOS the effort created some new members, some club donations, NSARC was one of the contributors, and general interest among quite a few operators.
The "two meter mentality" affecienados (sp?), resulted in zilch, as far as I know..
I think we can expect complaints about those "high dollar" 2M and 440 yagis, though.
They both can be homebrewed by anyone who can use a hacksaw and tape measure....buy everything new, and the N connectors and the coax cost more than the antenna materials!
Instructions for both, with options can be found at:
HEOS of course require pointing, but near apogee that can be done "armstrong" very easily,
There are plenty of used rotors around, that are relatively inexpensive in comparison to the price of radios required....
It has not escaped me that there will be considerable commonality of hardware between Eagle and Phase 4, so that any effort will benefit both projects, and that is good.
I am sure you are right on target there, Mike, and can hardly wait for both to happen!!
73, Dave [email protected] Disagree: I learn.... Pulling for P3E...
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Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb