1 Oct
1 Oct
10:32 a.m.
At 02:52 PM 9/30/07 -0700, Dave Guimont [email protected] wrote:
Amen on InstantTrack!! IT!!!
I was fortunate enuff to be one of the beta testers, many moons ago.
I use SatPC32 to control my rotors now, but I always parallel it with IT on another computer to do some of the things that PC32 does not do...
I don't know how any serious satellite operator would be without either one, for the pittance they cost in comparison to what they need to do anything on any amateur bird!!
Or if one has ANY interest in either the sun or the moon....
73, Dave [email protected]
Dave, Does PC32 work with the SASI Tracker? (the tracker that plugs into the parallel port.) I use it with Nova, but I might switch to PCsat. What do you use for tracker hardware?