Hi Alan,
Yes, I had to dig my PSK stuff out of storage, too :) It's a bit nostalgic...but really cool when you see it still works!
However, TLMDC won't work with the satellites in their current state. Rather, they are transmitting Microsat Boot Loader (MBL) telemetry that has to be collected in KISS mode--using something like Wisp.
For IO-26, it's MBL KISS files can be decoded by Mike's DK3WN's great IO-26 MBL telemetry decoder here: http://www.dk3wn.info/software.shtml It has a nice graphic display of the telemetry channels.
And YES, if you can grab the KISS files I'm interested in receiving them!
Mark N8MH
Mark N8MH said:
You may very well be hearing IO-26, ITAMSAT. IO-26 is currently in MBL mode transmitting PSK at 435.790 MHz If you share a footprint with my station, you might very well be hearing some MBL telemetry and/or packets coming from IO-26.
So, perhaps there might be some motivation to re-connect the old TAPR-PSK demodulator - that has been keeping dust off the museum shelf. I was considering hooking it up about the time AO16 went voice. Using sound card now for so much, the MFJ-1278 doesn't have much to do.
Any interest in collecting the telemetry ? Anyone else still have a TAPR-PSK demod hooked up ? Hummm, wonder if TLMDC still works... maybe there is a reason all those old floppies are still in a box. maybe they should stay there . . . 73 /;^) -- <- WB5RMG is Alan Sieg * http://wb5rmg.somenet.nethttp://wb5rmg.somenet.net ->
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]