At 01:50 PM 2/18/2007, Luc Leblanc wrote:
On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
Luc, enough ....
You are just rambling and your comments don't even make sense .... and you and I both know that it has NOTHING to do with English not being your first language ...
I am both a Canadian and an American citizen, so I have no political bias here ...
Your constant hijacking of the BB with these idiotic rants is not an expression of free speech -- it is just plain silliness ... you obviously enjoy creating conflict. You have significant personality problems and my personal AND professional opinion is that you get some professional help. Your need to see yourself in print and be the centre of conflict is unhealthy and selfish, and simply serves to drive even fair-minded people from the list ...
I've watched as you've done this repeatedly with the same results --- you leave a trail of unhappiness wherever you post. If you are even a fraction of the gentleman that you try to portray yourself as, then you will simply withdraw from the list and save the majority of us from having to withdraw instead ...
To those who have defended Luc's right to free-speech, you are most noble ... it is too bad that he does not seem to care about everyone else as much as some of you do.
Again, please seek some medical attention and stop this nonsense.
By the way, your signature line reads: ""It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
You of all people should try to understand what that means.