5 Nov
5 Nov
2:59 p.m.
I just wonder how successful digi'ing via PCSAT using a TH-D7 has been?
Hi Chris,
I tried Sunday during a 60 degrees pass with - THD7 full battery (=2.5W) - 4 elements DL6WU hand held beam
With this setup I can work AO51 always noise-free.
But I could not get a single packet over PCSAT. I think this is not so much due to PCSAT, but more due to the fact that it sees 10..20 stations transmitting at the same time... only the strongest one wins :-(
Sunday I also saw MAILBOX traffic, that can also reduce the APRS success rate !
Would be interesting to read more reports.
The good news is of course that Europe is a big PCSAT user group !
Henk, PA3GUO http://www.qsl.net/pa3guo