Sat-to-sat comms is hard because there's not space for gain antennas. However, sat to ground to sat would work.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gordon JC Pearce MM3YEQ" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 21:28 UTC Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Messageboard Post
On Sun, 2009-01-25 at 19:33 +0000, John B. Stephensen wrote:
ats in 800 km orbits have much lower launch costs. However, the vast majority of members told AMSAT that they didn't want more LEO satellites after AO-51. Perhaps small is better.
For the kind of money that cubesats cost, you could launch about a dozen of them instead of one geosynchronous one. That way you'd *always* have a cubesat or two visible. Add some sat-to-sat comms, and you're in business.
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