Greg D. wrote:
Hi Bob,
Whatever the satellite, if you're trying to stretch the footprint, your sked is always going to be at the peak of elevation, for that fleeting moment when the satellite is a few degrees above the horizon. That means that you're always going to be at zero doppler shift, and the math will always be the same. Find yourself once at TCA on any pass, and lock them in. The numbers will be the same for your sked.
Good luck,
Greg KO6TH
I wouldn't agree with that statement at all. Most of my long haul contacts on AO-7, FO-20 and 29, and now HO-68, are right after AOS or just before LOS, certainly not at TCA. Use my recent QSOs on HO-68 with Argentina as an example. Even when I work Europe on AO-7 it is at the beginning or end of a pass...not the middle.
Bob, SatPC32 will show you the frequency with Doppler shift, and the Doppler shift. A little subtraction or addition and you have what you want.
73, Drew KO4MA