My first attempts at Oscar 10 were with: Transmitter: Heathkit HW-24 FM rig, keying on CW (10 watts), 7 element vertical polarized yagi, no elevation. Receiver: Yaesu FT-221R no preamp, 12 element yagi horizontal polarized, no elevation.
Many contacts made. Subsequent improvements made things better for sure.
73 John K6YK
On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:49:16 +0200 John Hackett [email protected] writes:
An interesting post on the Amsat-BB from KC6UQH - whom stated ... and I tend to agree ... HEO's are generally *EASIER* to work than LEO's.
That one needs expensive equipment to work an HEO is a myth that is simply *NOT* true. - (try telling GM1SXX it's expensive) - it's his pet niggle.
Personally, I've worked the world on HEO's using an FT-290 and an FT-790, both of which are 20 years old and purchased used on Ebay - neither rig has bells and whistles, no automatic doppler tuning and no computer interface. I used an El Cheapo Japanese azimuthal TV rotor, fixed elevation and a maximum EIRP of 25 watts ... yes !!! - E.I.R.P.
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