Hi all.
Inspired by the FUN on the YouTube videos from the car park at Baltimore, I've been trying to set up a satellite station using two independent radios. An IC706G on 70cm transmit and an FT736R on 2m receive. Antennas are a 4 ele yagi ( horizontal ) on 2m receive with an AMSAT-UK filtered preamp. Transmit antenna is a 9 ele Tonna mounted vertically. Antennas are on a rotator using a fibreglass boom about 1.8m long.
The problem: Whenever I press the 70cm transmit 'button' - ptt on SSB, or key on CW I get S8 noise on the 2m receiver. (and S6 without the preamp)
Note...This does not appear to be RF overload as I can turn the power down to minimum on SSB, even remove the microphone and the noise level remains. On CW the noise level is constant when the 706 is in transmit mode. It does not appear and disappear with each dot or dash.
My conclusion is that on 70cm the IC706G is transmitting something on 2m whenever it is in it's transmit mode.- possibly phase noise.
Has anyone else come across this issue with ICOMs or is it just this one? and is there a known minimalist solution.
Many thanks
David G0MRF