Thanks, John. On further investigation, it seems that the W2A will not fully suit my needs, due to an odd issue with this rig. It seems that the W2A will work cross-band in full duplex mode only, not in half duplex (in contrast, the W32A allows you to choose between full duplex and half duplex). This means that a W2A can only be used for sats with headphones, or else there will be feedback. Full duplex with headphones is of course the best way to work the sats, but sometimes it's just too inconvenient and I'd prefer to at least have the option of using the HT on half duplex with the speaker. And if the W2A desenses as badly as the W32A, then full duplex with headphones will be a total waste.
I'll test it out as soon as the charger arrives.
73, Bill NZ5N
- Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: IC-W2A as sat rig?
- From: John Mock KD6PAG kd6pag@xxxxxxxxx
- Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 20:39:02 -0700
I had one for several years and it worked very
nicely as a J-FM satellite rig. I think you made a good choice! Consider getting an Arrow antenna, or something comparable. Also, use a casette or voice recorder, as it's hard to hold an antenna and a radio, and still write down callsigns.
If i recall correctly, the IC-W2A has an ordinary stereo mini-phone jack, with the speaker on the tip and the microphone on the ring contacts. But what you'll really need is a patch cord from the IC-W2A to the mike input of your recorder, which might need attenuation. Write to me if you need any help with this.
I hope to talk to you soon on AO-27, AO-51, etc. 73's and good luck!
-- KD6PAG (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer) --- Bill Dzurilla [email protected] wrote:
I had success on Swan Island with a borrowed IC-W32A. Today at a hamfest I saw a nice price on an IC-W2A, apparently an earlier version of the W32A, so I bought it. No charger, though, ordered one for $10 from R&L.
Anyone used a W2A with the sats? How does it differ from the W32A?
I've already noticed that some of the jacks are different. I can't use the headset mike I used with the W32A, the jack is smaller and won't fit. The power supply jack is also different.
73, Bill NZ5N
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