- *The website* - my understanding is that this will become a Wiki
style affair and that someone has already volunteered to start it
Is this correct? Is this happening? Who is doing this?
This is far from a done deal, and a wiki is certainly not going to replace the entire website. The parties who want to volunteer need to get a proposal together and present it to the BOD. This means writing up a proposal and getting to the BOD, then perhaps presenting your proposal during the meeting next month. Meanwhile, updated versions of existing articles would be a worthwhile contribution for others to take on.
- *The Satellite Status page* - I was asked to supply information to
correct any inaccuracy's just before the idea was hatched to use the dcarr Live Oscar Satellite Status site as a feeder. Again I understand that this has been approved by David Carr, KD5QGR and is awaiting implementation.
There are two separate services here. Detailed satellite information like frequencies, weight, orbit, modes, etc are presented on the current AMSAT page, along with a week to week accuracy status. Carr's page gives up the the hour status, but still links to the AMSAT pages for further data, and in some cases to the obsolete pages from the prior website. Carr's engine would be a good addition to the AMSAT page, but it's not enough to replace it by a far stretch. I still need input on corrections to the Status page sent either via the website bug link, or directly to me.
- *The volunteer page* - clearly the thing is broken and clearly people
do not know this until after they have filled in the form. So would it not be an idea to state clearly on the home page of the website that the site is undergoing some sort of revamp? In that way viewers know the we know that the issues are being addressed.
As I've been told, the submittal of the survey works now, but who the information goes to may be under revision/addition. If you are reading this and you want to help with something, just call the office, or email the officer responsible for that area, and forget about that survey until we can get it working 100%. Yes, it needs fixed, but a serious volunteer doesn't let such a silly thing get in their way. Mike is 100% correct in my opinion, blaming a faulty website is a cop-out.
73, Drew KO4MA