Bob, Thanks for sharing that informative article with its fabulouspictures. Things like this are what I enjoy the most aboutthe AMSAT-BB. 73, Bob K8BL
On Monday, May 17, 2021, 02:30:38 PM EDT, Robert McGwier [email protected] wrote:
HawkEye 360’s Cluster 3: The Cluster 3 launch further expands HawkEye 360’s next-generation satellite constellation, which detects and geolocates radio frequency signals. The Cluster 3 satellites are able to collect a greater quantity of data across a wider portion of the RF spectrum, creating valuable, actionable insights for maritime domain awareness, national security, environmental protection and more.
73s BobN4HY
Dr. Robert W McGwier, Ph.D. Adjunct Faculty, Virginia Tech ARDC Member of Board N4HY: ARRL, TAPR, AMSAT, EARC Sky: AAVSO, SkyHub, Auburn AS, Skyscrapers -----------------------------------------------------------