Howard, Do not feel in the least intimidated at using any Satellite you are legally allowed to operate (had to put that in so you would not Try the Sirius Sats he heh) I too have been reading the missive from the so called elitist users who apparently never made a mistake, never ever did anything wrong and never jumped the gun on a call trying for a rare DX station... Trust me they have, I have, everyone has. the point is to learn from mistakes, Grow over time, and don't let the little stuff bother you overmuch. While I am not a Leo user and probably never will be, I doubt it the jamming (intentional or otherwise) is any worse on the Sats than it is on 20 meters trying for K5D. Bandwidth is not an issue regarding interference as K5D is only listening on one frequency on 20 meters...Trust me it took me a week on 20 meter with my vertical antenna and 100 watts to get in...
So while I hear the laments and the gnashing of teeth, the sat users are suffering as everyone else is over K5D and while I do commiserate with them, Think of what it would be like if everyone who could - tried the sats, they would be unusable... But lest we not wander to far, My humble advice is learn from your mistakes, and go forward with life and do not be intimidated by the elitist who have been licensed since Noah floated his ark, or is the most active op on the sats... Trust me they also have made their mistakes and need to forgive you yours.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Howard Kowall" [email protected] To: "[email protected]" [email protected]; "Sven Arne Astrup" [email protected] Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 1:58 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: (no subject)
Thank you very much for the reply Once again sorry for any inconvenience I have caused I am fairly new to Satellite operation