Jimmy, you would be extremely popular working meteor scatter -- reflecting your signal off the ionized trail of a burning meteor. Also, the target is much easier to hit than a satellite as a passive reflector. Check out pingjockey.
Doc, WA7HQD On Aug 13, 2016 6:18 AM, "K4FEG" [email protected] wrote:
Hello All:
below you will see the body of an email from *Jimmy, VE2BMC/KK6FAH*, about his recent operations on SO-50 from his location in Canada. Jimmy is an EME operator who through some encouragement fro W2HRO, decided to try some satellite passes while back in Canada, with Jimmy's permission here is the email:
*"Hi Frank,*
*I hope all I well! Actually, thanks to YOU for all your help and for passing on the message to the community. Ironically, since I am new with Satellite communications and have not been following the corresponding mailing lists, etc., I really had no clue that so many people would have an interest in trying to contact me in these grids. I had brought my HT and Arrow antenna with me with the hope of making "one" contact with my EME friend W2HRO and perhaps a few other QSO's if lucky as time permits. What unfolded was completely unexpected and on top of that, I got infected by the virus! Now I have 2 viruses to manage (EME and Sat). That won't make my wife happy... Hi Hi*
*Since all my relatives are all living in VE2 territory and they are located at the edged where the grids meet (FN38, FN48 and FN37), at my next trip I will be able to activate FN37 easily (only 25 minutes south from my father near "Lac Bouchette"), spend more time in FN48 where my mother lives, and even more time in FN38 where my brother lives. Should be much fun. *
*On a related note, as I am specialized in EME communications and after my recent experience in VE2 territory with Satellite, the thought came to me that since it is possible to do 2-way communications by bouncing RF off the surface of the Moon, it should be possible and much easier to use satellites as "passive reflector" (just like the moon) in order to make QSO's. The obvious advantage is that this would not require for the satellite to have any repeater or transponder on them, but their simple presence in the sky is sufficient. *
*This communication scheme would open a tremendous amount of possibilities for Amateur QSO's. Have you ever heard of any people attempting this? I have recently read a few articles on the matter on the net indicating that it was possible and some had gotten clear signals using space stations (ISS and MIR) as reflectors, but there does not seem to be any organized group of people that have attempted this in an organized way to make QSO's.*
*I am certainly interested in investigating this further and try. May be some in the mailing list would have inputs or experiences to share on the matter. Again, I have been able to make EME QSO's with very small stations relatively speaking (~8000 watts EIRP) so satellite reflection should be much easier and accessible to relatively small stations.*
*Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon,*
*73, Jimmy*
*KK6FAH" *If anyone has thoughts about some of Jimmy's interesting ideas about "passive" satellite operations I think it would be a great discussion.
I want to say a special thanks to Canada for all of the great "Canadien DX" operations & for the hospitality provided to the "American Invasion" of operators who have been active over the last two weeks. *VE2BMC, Jimmy*: FN38 & FN48 operations (rare grids) *N9IP/VE/VY/VO1&2*: GN38/GN19/GN18/GN07/GN08/GN09/ GO10/GO11/GO21/FN96/FN86/FN75/FN76 *(I MAY HAVE MISSED SOME) **NJ7H/FP/VO1/VY2: *GN16/GN17/GN27/GN37/FN86
*(I have probably missed some of Gabe's grids as well, I gotta sleep sometime!) *And we now have *Ron, N8RO* out on his trip to Western Canada, Ron has already been on the satellites during this trip, A reminder that Ron is traveling from "point-to-point" he is not pulling a travel trailer, so he has less opportunity for deviations during this trip. LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN!!
Lately it has been a good time to be on the satellites, DX, new operators, aeronautical grid hopping, camping "rovers" & much, much more!! EXCITING TIMES! And one more thing: There is MUCH MORE to come this year!!
I hope all are enjoying the satellites. *Good Luck All & Good SatDX!!* *73* *K4FEG*
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