On 10/22/17, David Taylor [email protected] wrote:
I am just getting interested in Satellite work and I don't really have any money at all for antennas.
What is the easiest/chepest way to get into this part of the hobby as far as an antenna goes?
If you want to consider second-hand equipment, one good website to try is:
I bought both my Yaesu FT-847 and ICOM IC-910 from that site. For the latter, I placed an ad for it and, within 2 days, I had 3 people offering to sell me their rigs.
Ham flea markets are another good source of second-hand gear, though that can be hit and miss, depending on what's being offered for sale. One year, at a flea market that's held annually in my city, I came home with a 2 m Yagi and a 6 m loop. Other times, I wondered why I bothered going.
Also, check if there are any swap-and-shop nets in your area where hams advertise items for sale or are looking for something in particular.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL