It's not the set screw issue, I just went through that with my NJ station last summer. When the rotor isn't working its not making any noise like its running and not elevating. It something intermittent in the control box or the rotor. Swapping the cables would drive one crazy with an intermittent problem. Next step will be to open up the connector at the rotor and inspect. If that looks ok, then open the control box up and check the relay. Last place to check will be the sensing pot in the rotor. If it's in the cable or control box, I'm going to fix, if it's the rotor I'm just going to live with it until I get a hard failure, then I will take the rotor apart and rebuild.Thanks for all the suggestions...
73 Jeff kb2m
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2018 9:16 AM To: Amsat Subject: [amsat-bb] G-5500 rotor issues
I’m having an intermittent problem with my G-5500 rotor that is getting worse. Now several times a day when I acquire a satellite the elevation function doesn’t work. But, if I power the control box off and back on several times it starts to work. This is a problem with the Yaesu control box, as the manual elevation control doesn’t work when this happens. Any ideas to troubleshoot before I start to take things apart?
73 Jeff kb2m
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