... hope to get my school club on satellites if there is a pass during Lunch ...
You are much more advanced (pun intended) than many others your age ... Keep up the excellent work. I hope you can garner some support from a vice principal or administrator or school board member.
And do not forget the possibility of an ARISS contact for your campus -
Proposal Window for Scheduled Contacts in the US Now Open
The US partners of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program are seeking formal and informal educational institutions and organizations in the US, individually or working together, to host an Amateur Radio contact with a crew member on board the ISS. ARISS anticipates that the contact would be held between July 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. For more information about the proposal requirements, visit ...
http://www.ariss.org ======================================================
Clint K6LCS