1 Apr
1 Apr
9:10 a.m.
Time for a spring time fly fishing / satellite roving trip in eastern Wyoming. April 3rd I will be traveling through DN73 and DN83 and I will try to work:
AO-92 18:27 utc SO-50 18:55 utc AO-91 19:31 utc SO-50 20:37 utc
Some will be just DN73, some DN73/83 based on travel times.
I will be camping in Beulah, WY in DN74 which is very close to DN84. Plan to work both vacation style, with DN84 mostly mid-day Thursday and Friday. Mostly FM birds, and I hope to practice my SSB a bit while in camp.
Return passes through DN73 are unscheduled right now. I will try to post here and on Twitter before leaving. Very limited internet access during this trip.
Hope to get some of you some new grids from DN land.